Well, I am trying to post more often, but if it is a choice between getting work done and posting, well, I am getting work done.
Okay, okay, I will admit it, if it is a choice between getting work done, posting, or watching a REALLY good boxing match or MMA fight, well, the laptop sits here on my lap until it goes to sleep. Lately, the laptop has struggled for space with a teething baby, and often lost.
I have been getting bits and pieces done here and there. I would love to say that I have been working like crazy, but, well, hmmm, let's just say the excuse involves a teething 9 month-old baby and a SERIOUS sleep deficit. I have been playing more with art and sketching, some of it simple, basic practice on shading, lines, etc. and sometimes I actually make an effort to do a "real" illustration for an upcoming book. I have also gotten some more writing done and I've been playing around with Adobe InDesign because, well, my most recent layout "gal" emailed me that she can't do more work right now due to a "family event." The truth is, I believe this, but it hurts as I contracted someone to do something and promptly forgot about it for a few weeks. I am happy that she contacted me and let me know as the deadline was still a little ways in the future and she gave me more time to figure things out. So much for paying for layout I guess. Time to get cracking on that part on my own or find someone that I know personally to do it for me.
On to brighter news, earlier today we figured out that this coming Friday evening was going to be "free." This means, no practices, games, cub scouts, or daisies. We all decided to go out to eat this Friday. THEN my wife realized she was invited to a scrapbooking party. She told them she couldn't go. Yeah! Family Dinner! The truth is we try to do a nice dinner out with the family once a week. The hectic schedule of soccer practices means we pop various "simple" dinners from Costco in and out of the oven before eating and running off in various directions. The older two boys (12 and 8) play soccer competitively so they practice quite often. The oldest actually ENJOYS playing soccer when it is in the 30's (F) and RAINING. Strangely, my wife says that is my fault. People that know me tell me she is right. Our daughter, the lone princess, is 5 and she is playing spring soccer too! This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't going to be one of her coaches. Even less bad if my certification for coaching U8 (under 8) kids was up-to-date. I have to (okay, "should really") go to another "coaching module" and recert. Come to think of it, my Class E is still good, maybe I can get away with that ... (if it doesn't make any sense, just pretend I am insane, it is probably true and, well, damn, it IS probably true)
Next week Tuesday and Thursday are going to be ugly. On the bright side, basketball ends this Saturday!
I think I posted about the really cool Palm Pilot my wife got me. I can color code the different events with colors for each kid and tell at a glance where the conflicts are. Yup, Tuesday and Thursday next week are going to be HELL!
On a related note, my 8 month old minivan now has 14,700 miles on it. When we finally pay it off (5 years, hey, 1% financing, that's the way to go) I will have over a 100,000 miles on it. Thanks kids! Have you stopped laughing yet! Yes, I said minivan. I suppose I should listen to Peyton Manning and paint racing stripes on it.
Okay, this post got a bit random didn't it? Oh well.
Tomorrow is a "work" day meaning my lengthy list of things to do is almost entirely for G.U.P. and mostly related to writing. It also includes a follow-up post here. That won't happen until late, but, ideally, it'll happen.