There is still a slim chance for a weekend release. It will depend a bit on DS#3 taking a nice long nap and me getting all the bills paid, etc. If I do get something out it won't be released today, likely tomorrow sometime. This means it won't make any newsletters and probably unlikely to get a mention in the ENWorld news until next week, but I would still like to get something out.
I haven't been feeling 100% this week and most of my energy has gone into taking care of the kids, house, etc.
Tomorrow is the "Battle of Flowers" which is a day of historical importance here in San Antonio. This means the big kids all have off from school. I'll have to figure out what to do with them.
Anyway, if I can't get a product up tomorrow I'll probably just wait until next Thursday. My lovely wife is on-call Saturday and we have 3 soccer games scheduled over the weekend.
If I don't get it out, I might shoot for two products next Thursday but that will require me feeling much better and getting a real chance to get work done.