Saturday, February 2, 2008


Lots of chaos the last few days. Let's just say I could have posted "I see sick people" over again, but without the vomit this week.
Several of the kids have spiked some very high fevers, which then go away (and sometimes come back). No other symptoms. Fairly strange really.
I have been planning to get some emails sent to a few friends over the past few days, but every time I get ready to something happens, usually our 9 month old spikes a fever (probably due in large part to teething) or something else happens. Next week is going to get interesting. Tuesday all three of the older kids have soccer practices, the boys at one field, and our daughter at another field (almost 20 miles from theirs). I am thrilled. I am also coaching for her team again, only assistant coaching though (yeah, no paperwork!). Okay, the truth is, I do love coaching kids. It is a joy to see their skills develop and to watch them enjoy themselves. I think we have most of the week planned next week in terms of getting people the places they need to be. The problem comes in next Friday. Looks like I will not only need to drop one child off with a friend so he can go to cub scouts, but I'll also need someone to help babysit the others for a bit until my wife can get home.
Did you know that in some cultures the statement, "May you live in interesting times." could be considered a curse?
Chaotic as it all is, we wouldn't give it up for anything. Well, hmmm, maybe I should think about that a bit.

They have finally openly said that the 4e OGL is going to be called by a different name. Let's face it, it'll be a different license. I remember talking with Bill Webb on the phone a couple of months ago and we both agreed it would have to be a new license of some kind. Looks like we guessed right. While I have some real questions about exactly how they'll do it, I am sure that the companies like Necromancer Games, Paizo Publishing, and Goodman Games will pony up. Fantasy Flight Games is advertising for freelancers to work on 4e material so It sounds pretty certain that they will too. I'd actually be interested in working with them if I felt I could spend the time they want. Alas, I have a vacation planned in March and the kids get out of school in June.
Maybe they'll have something for someone in bits and pieces. I suppose I could go ahead and ask. Basically, everyone is still waiting to see the ()License to know exactly what they'll be allowed to do.

I have gotten another sketch or two done, still not doing very well on that end. I am practicing more on simple things once in a while, textures, etc. The art end is difficult and slow for me but strangely satisfying. Still trying to hire some real artists right now as that would speed up some other things. The list of things to do is fairly long--it seems like I add two things for every one I cross off--but I am definitely making some real progress lately. I suppose this is as good a time as any to sign off and continue making a bit more before going to sleep.

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

It seemed likely that the license would change, as far back as that meeting at GenCon. After the infamous conference call and the announcement of the OGL Designer's Kit (which name I suppose they will have to change now), it seemed obvious to me that they were going to have to use a new license under a different name to do what they said they were going to do. I don't know why they kept calling it the OGL for so long; I think that just confused people and led them to expect something that is not going to be fulfilled now.

By the way, sorry to hear that your kids are sick again. I'm the one under the weather here, but it's not severe and I'm hoping to be better by tomorrow.