Friday, March 7, 2008

Internet Service

Well, I suppose sometimes having the internet go out is probably good, it allows me to focus on writing and getting some other things done. Unfortunately, it seems timed to annoy me.

The major road outside our neighborhood is being widened (a much-needed construction project). During the past 6-8 weeks or so they have managed to sever or damage the main cable to the neighborhood about a half-dozen times. Usually this happens during the day and it is fixed during the day so that doesn't inconvenience MOST people. It DOES inconvenience me though. We also tend to get some other minor short outages during the day too, I am guessing that is due to construction somehow as well as these outages didn't occur before the project was started. The past 6-8 weeks have been particularly bad. I try to answer emails at one time and these outages have really messed that up a bit.

Okay, enough ranting. Time to get back to work.

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