Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Art and Cartography

Well, I have been looking for someone to make maps and do some artwork for me at reasonable rates. Unfortunately, my sales are such that "reasonable rates" means "dirt cheap or cheaper." Paraphrasing someone else's post on a publisher's board once, when looking for artists you have to consider these factors:
a) inexpensive
b) dependable
c) good
You only get to choose two of the above.

I was "talking" with someone about some art for a few projects but that must have fallen through because the artist hasn't been back in touch with me for a while. I am not upset about it, a bit disappointed though. I know that with what I can offer to pay right now it is unfair to expect someone not to get distracted by better paying projects and/or the latest video game. (I don't know if any of these distractions are involved)

I guess I will finally be posting some ads for art and writing, etc. after all. I was hoping to bypass that by contacting a few people directly but that hasn't worked out.

Weekend release: this week has been very difficult and tiring. I think I'll still have a weekend release but I am not certain. I have always felt that if I can't have it out at least by early Friday morning it is best to wait until next week. Right now I am thinking that anytime Friday would be okay. Art and cartography are a hang-up on these right now and I don't know when I will have some solid, uninterrupted time to work on the artwork.

1 comment:

Mohammad Hassan said...


what type of art work you are looking for, can you send some samples may be i can help you.
