Monday, September 14, 2009

Woes and Whining

Well, okay, I'll try not to whine. Making the changes I would really like to the Sparks Introduction and releasing that as a free product are going, well, slowly. I do have a cover mock-up made. Okay, let's be honest, I have 4 different covers made, but this cover or a variation of it will likely be the final effort. The title right now is "Sparks Primer."

Along with the new cover I want to have a new layout, and I am making some minor editing changes to the text to make it a bit more generic. Some have noticed I used a different, edited down version of the introduction in Tavern Denizens and the "new" introduction will be a bit more general and apply to everything (I hope).

This process has definitely been slowing down other projects and I am actually pretty frustrated with that fact. I really want to have something ready for "Talk Like a Pirate Day" even though several publishers say that sales for that day have never really done much. If nothing else I will run some sort of promotion.

Once I have the Sparks Primer finished I will have to decide if I will go back and remove the Sparks Introduction from all of the CS releases that are already published. I think that would be an unpleasant amount of work for fairly low return.

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