Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Springing into Action??

Well, I had several possible goals for introducing the Sparks Primer and taking the Sparks introduction out of existing products AND introducing a new product. Initially, I hoped to "re-energize" on time for GM's Day March 4th but it became clear that would not happen. The second goal was to go with the first day of Spring and "Spring into Action" but clearly that hasn't happened either.

It generally seems best to introduce a new product(s) on a Thursday in hopes that they'll stay on the new product list on the front page during the weekend. This Thursday is highly unlikely due to conflicts with family events. This leaves next week Thursday which would be March 31st, the day before April 1st, you know, April Fool's Day? Not sure if I want a re-launch to be a joke.

Right now I want to focus on having products ready for release and then worry about the timing of their release. It has been so long now that it would be best to have products lined up and ready to go so that I am certain I can have at least one product per month for the 3 months following my re-launch giving me time to focus on creating more new products.

When I am a bit further along I will update the website (finally) with more information and some tentative release dates. Well, this is a child-free work day for me so I had better get back to it.

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