Friday, April 11, 2008


Okay, things have been busy, sleep has been, well, lacking. DS#3 has been teething like crazy, add in those 1-yr old shots and some constipation, and, well, the poor boy has been letting everyone know how uncomfortable he really is.

Tomorrow early in the morning I take DS#2 out on a Cub Scout trip to the Lexington in Corpus Christi, TX where we will stay overnight. DS#2 has to miss seeing his cousin (who is 8 days older than him, the two are incredible pals) and the "extended family" birthday party for DS#3 turning 1. We had a family dinner and party on Wednesday when DS#3 actually turned 1 so he is happy with that. He was allowed to decide and decided that the Lexington trip was a once a year opportunity (yes, he said "opportunity", how many 8 year olds would say that?) and that he would see his cousin again in May when we all go off to a wedding in New Jersey. The truth is, I am really looking forward to this trip, I think that *I* will have a lot of fun and that DS#2 is going to have a total blast.

While we leave for that, my wife takes DS#1 out to his 8:15 AM soccer game in north of SA while my sister-in-law (she and my mother and father-in-law are in town with my nieces) will take DD to her soccer game. Yes, DS#2 is missing a soccer game Saturday (he wasn't happy about that). Of course, we'll leave Corpus Christi early Sunday morning so we get back on time for the 12:30 PM soccer game. DS#1 has a 1 PM soccer game too, but get this, both of them play at their home field ON THE SAME DAY-and almost the same time!

The cartography problem, well, it still exists. I actually have a few things ready to go with big empty boxes where the map(s) goes. I am going to have fun this weekend and worry about things again starting Sunday night.

Well, I have to go finish packing.

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