Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Paris Hilton

Hehe, well, that is a title for a blog isn't it?
I find the Paris Hilton political spoof ad absolutely hilarious. I also think it is brilliant marketing of Paris Hilton and a welcome distraction from the stupid political advertisements.
Do I like Paris Hilton? Um, no, not really, don't really care one way or the other. Never watched her show, never really cared.

Did I get anything else done today to talk about on the Blog? Um, well, no, but I am trying to post 2-3 times a week or more and I KNOW tomorrow is going to be insane so I just posted what came to mind while watching the news.
Oh, that is the next brilliant thing --TONS of free airtime on news programs and Jay Leno. Brilliant, really.
Wouldn't a DnD advertisement featuring Paris Hilton be hilarious, or, well, pathetic?
Well, back to the news and an hour of writing before bed.

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