Wednesday, March 4, 2009

GM's Day 2009 Tavern Special [Bundle]

Well, the original plan was to finish up an additional tavern and do a special layout of 4 taverns/inns for GM's Day. The various things going on slowed me down so much that this turned into a "Bundle" of products using the OneBookShelf/RPGNow software.

Basically, I have something out for GM's Day, it just isn't want I had hoped for.

Next week I will be on vacation. I have found that scheduling a release during vacation and being unable to post anything about it is fairly ineffective. If I get certain products ready by Friday I will release them and post about them at ENWorld, RPGnet, etc. If not, I will wait until the Thursday after my return (March 19). If this happens, I will probably have 2 releases that day.

Tavern Denizens turned into a layout nightmare. If you see the final product you'll probably understand why. Basically, the table entries get pretty large and, unless you let a description run over a page (looks terrible), you end up with lots of white space on some pages. I am going to be VERY busy the next few days so it is unlikely that I can get it all cleaned up before I leave. I will, of course, try.

During Spring Break I will be "internet free" but I WILL have my laptop with me so I am actually likely to get some work done. We'll just have to wait and see what the next few days bring.

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