Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stealth Release

Well, things got very busy this week so I didn't really get a chance to post, and releasing Tavern Denizens, Book I: The Dives pretty much became a "stealth release." I STILL haven't updated the website but I did get some posts up on message boards and I got an email off to Russ Morrisey (Morrus at ENWorld) so I did get a mention on the ENWorld newspage which certainly seemed to help.

I was hoping to have another CS release ready at the same time but that simply did not work out. I guess that one will be released next Thursday.

The TD layout was a bit difficult due to the table arrangement I used. Basically, I had to choose between leaving lots of white space on some pages or running NPC descriptions over from one page to another (making reading, and copy/pasting more difficult). It is an electronic product so I went for ease of use. Now, if I do eventually do a print compilation of the Tavern Denizens line I will probably have to do the layout all over again. That would definitely been far into the future though so I am not going to worry about that now.

I hope to have a website up later today, but, well, today is going to be busy too.

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