Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Constant Delays

I can't claim laziness is slowing me down right now. My free time has been taken up by the fact that some shelves in the master bedroom closet collapsed. Basically, cleaning out the old hardware, painting, etc. has sucked up what little free time I have had during the last few days of school here.

Ideally, I can still get a product out this weekend but it is going to be pretty tight. My wife is on-call tomorrow night so no real break there either.

I am already marking May in my calendar next year as a month of practically nothing accomplished for GU. The end of school year activities, end of soccer season, end of dance, gymnastics, etc. all take up so much time that there is really nothing left.

Upcoming product titles include Tavern Denizens Book II, The Mug and Bottle, The Lantern Inn, and a few others. These still need some artwork and layout. Not sure which will get through first.

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