Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not This Weekend

This week has been very, very full and I simply haven't had more than a few minutes at a time to sit at the computer and work. I have two different books more than 90% complete and probably only need 2-3 uninterrupted hours to finish one of them. This said, I won't have 2-3 uninterrupted hours until sometime on Saturday. This is basically due to a wide variety of kids' activities crammed into the last few weeks of school. Not all of these activities are actually school-related but they all seem to cluster together in May.

When layout and artwork has to be done in 20-30 minute increments it is incredibly inefficient. When I finally have some time at night I am simply so exhausted that I don't get anything done. I will see what I can do, but I don't foresee having a chance to work on anything until 9:30 or later tonight and I guarantee that I will be exhausted.

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