Friday, May 1, 2009


Okay, I struggled to get Brandy's by the Bay out hoping to get it out in time to make the DTRPG/RPGNow newsletters and have time to maybe get a mention in the ENWorld News. Well, despite the late night release (after 11:30 PM) it looks like I was EARLY rather than late and still didn't make the newsletter(s). As a matter of fact, I am almost pushed off the front page listing of new releases. I guess it really depends on who else is releasing products and what time they release them (and how many get released).

I did get it mentioned in the ENWorld News, and that does help, but the majority of sales come from the front page links on weekends and the newsletters (at least so far).

The other way to get into the newsletters is to set up a special and get on the queue for the next newsletter. I am beginning to feel like I might have enough releases to go ahead and do that. I think I will wait for the release of the next Tavern Denizens book though.

I still have to figure out this whole advertising, promotion bit.

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