Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Okay, fighting off "gunk" today and it has been a bit rough. Went to DD's soccer practice anyway and I am presently suffering for it.
Latest News:
Arther C. Clarke died at 90 years old today. Damn shame. I remember being thrilled by some of his stories and novels when I was a kid. This is a man that not only understood technology advances throughout his lifetime, but also helped drive them.

Paizo Publishing is going to release the "Pathfinder RPG." Basically, it sounds like their market info said that they could support their company (and, therefore, their employees) with sales of a new 3.5 (DnD/OGL) based system and adventures and other support to go with it. I would say it is a risky move that is partly driven by WotC's slow release of info to 3rd party publishers. I honestly don't know how well this will go for them. The local game store, one of the best FLGS's I have ever experienced, knows of their stuff and orders it, but last time I was there the manager said that sales were suffering and he was probably not going to get anything else after 4e. Basically, you need to special order to get the latest Paizo adventure material. Now, I guess the decks of magic item cards, map packs, and such are selling fine.

I have to wonder if Paizo is doing this partly based on rumored market data that almost a third of people are going to either a) not buy 4e or b) delay buying 4e until they see it, see what their group will do, etc. Like I said in the last post, that is a RUMOR. I have no proof of it whatsoever.

I think Paizo is cutting a niche of a niche here. It is a risky move that I personally think is going to have difficulty supporting the staff they presently have for the long term. I think short-term it'll work out okay, but long-term I have serious doubts. Then again, that is partly dependent on 4e itself isn't it?

Oh well, head is throbbing, time for bed.

1 comment:

MelondraBee said...

I'm inclined to agree. I'm not sure if the world needs "D&D 3.75."