Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bit of Writing, Bit of Art

Well, this was a pretty productive day. I got a few sketches done AND I got some writing done. This was all before the school called to tell me the 12-year old had a 102 degree temperature and had to be picked up. The poor boy was pretty wiped, got him home, got some ibuprofen in him and he climbed into bed to go to sleep for a couple of hours. I am hoping he feels better tomorrow.
I cleaned up some of the writing for "St. Michael's" which is basically a "modern" City Streets location and I also finished up some sketches for it. Here is a sketch of the exterior of the chapel:

If you look at the G.U.P. website (http://www.genericuniverse.com/art.html) you can see a few more of my sketches. I am certainly nowhere near the artist I would like to be, but I feel like I am improving and, honestly, I am enjoying it.
Of course, the art and writing mean little if I can't get to work on the layout problems.

Well, I have a few more hours before bed and feel like I am "on a roll" so I am back to work.

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