Monday, January 26, 2009

Aw Crumb!!!

Well, I am back from vacation and I did get some work done this afternoon but I didn't get to the website update I really needed to get to. I was asked for a recommendation for someone that I happen to think is a fantastic person as well as a great worker and writing a GREAT letter for someone like that takes time. I mean, if they asked me to write a letter for someone I didn't think so highly of, it would be easy. Anyway, that letter has chewed up a bit of time this evening.

I should have a website update finished later tonight or sometime tomorrow. The next City Streets release is going to be The White Tankard on Thursday (Jan 29) and the next GreatCreators release, is, well, in limbo. We might change the layout format we have used for those books despite the fact that several are already through layout. Basically the two-column landscape layout that several research studies suggest for onscreen reading aren't completely "acceptable" to certain fiction eBook vendors (long story).

Anyway, February is going to be "Planetary Romance Month" for the GreatCreators line. One way or the other, we'll get Lt. Gullivar and John Carter out to you during Feburary. Stay tuned for more.

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