Thursday, January 8, 2009

Latest Releases

Okay, products are finally being released. I decided to go ahead and release 2 City Streets locations today (actually last night) and might release 2 next week. I would release one next week and one on January 22nd but I will be on vacation the entire week of Jan 19th and won't really be able to check on it or anything. I might still schedule some GreatCreators releases that week though.

On a different note. The GreatCreators line is likely to be released through several online vendors in addition to RPGNow/DTRPG/OneBookShelf. I will announce that when it happens but it isn't likely to happen until February. The earliest it would happen would be after I get back from vacation. Basically, RPGs are a niche market whereas fiction books have a a greater audience and therefore more vendors trying to serve them. The truth is, we knew that the OBS sites weren't the best fit for these books and have been actively planning to release through other sites. I'll let you know more when I have things finalized.

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